Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Jesus and Mary Magdalene at the tomb

John 20:11-18
image credit
Jesus was transformed so thoroughly that Mary didn't recognize Him at first. Although she knew him well, had helped provide for Him and His disciples, had stayed with Him during the crucifixion, she still mistook His for a stranger, a gardener in the cemetery. His victory over sin and death changed Him.
We all know how different we are on the inside from the outside. We can allow sin to continue its work in our souls or we can choose to allow Christ's victory to change us. C.S. Lewis describes how we will all be transformed one day, either to become like Jesus or to become a horror. The transformation is at work everyday, destroying us or remaking us, but it won't be complete until we leave this earth to belong completely to the Lord or to reject Him entirely. When that time comes, will you be remade gloriously like Christ or will you have chosen a different path?

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