Tuesday, January 1, 2013

No New Year's resolutions!

Last year I shared about why I don't make New Year's Resolutions but rather small weekly goals throughout the year. I've shared a small portion of those goals here. This year I'd like to share why I don't have a weekly goal for every week, although I use the mini-goal system much more often than can be seen just on this blog.
A week can be too short a time frame for certain goals to truly become habits, not matter how much I've broken it down into smaller steps. Other times I find my week doesn't go as smoothly as I expected and I don't make as much progress as I would like in making the goal a habit. Sometimes I make progress on my goal for a particular week, but I want to see much more progress before moving on to another goal. I do not hesitate to repeat a goal two or three weeks in a row, or pull out an old goal a few months later if it's a weakness I need to transform into a strength.
Family comes before personal goals. Always.
Photo taken by The People Picture Company
I struggle too much with perfectionism. If I hold myself to a mini-goal every week, then I beat myself up psychologically when I fail to keep that goal. When the reason for my failure is reasonable, such as a physical illness (a child's flu, my own pneumonia, sudden onset of morning sickness, etc.), the last thing I need is the guilt of a task I'm supposed to be accomplishing, but I simply can't. There are times and seasons (months even) when my rightful priorities leave no room for new goals and new progresses. Which is better, that I mark off a checklist for a new step forward or that I take care of the basic needs of my family? God and family come first; my goal for that week is to love them in every way I can even if that means a major "regression" in my personal goals.
After two extended weekends away from home, my mini-goal this week is nothing more than to restore basic order in our home. The remaining Christmas presents need to find a permanent home, the dirty clothes need to be washed, the suitcases and toiletries need to be put away, thank you cards need to be finished and mailed. Progress? No. But I don't need to add more pressure on myself until our home order has been returned to its basic state. THEN I can consider adding a new goal, or maybe revisiting an old goal that's been neglected out of necessity over the past 4 months.
Linked with Works for Me WednesdayNourishing Resolutions, Simple Lives, Modest Monday

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