Thursday, January 30, 2014

Bible Study: Transformed into beauty

Romans 14:12
Matthew 25:6-13
2 Corinthians 2:15-16
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The woman on tv looked beautiful. But as the program progressed, her words and actions repulsed me and her beauty transformed into ugliness. I have no desire to watch her feature in another program; I do not like the person I saw. Just as her lovely features were warped by her actions, I have known ugly people to become beloved, beautiful individuals as they became more familiar. Their words and actions erased the characteristics of their bodies which would never be praised by secular media and transformed the people within those bodies into cherished friends. As time goes by the actions speak louder than the skin features so the "ugly" person becomes far more beautiful than the supermodel.
The Lord is intimately aware of our thoughts and intentions as well as our words and actions. As we reach the end of our lives, will all we have done add up to a sweet perfume poured out for Him, transforming our ugliness into cherished beauty, or will it mar the beauty we were given from birth, contorting our natural features into repulsive ones? Of course our Lord is ready to help us make the right choices, if we ask and allow Him, but the choice is still up to us. Choose today to pour out words, thoughts, actions as precious as sweet perfume for the King. Be that sweet aroma by the way you live your life. Prepare today for the time when you will stand before the Judge, that you may have chosen paths to transform your ugly features into beautiful ones.
Linked with Fellowship Friday

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