Romans 8:4
John 3:1-8
John 3:1-8
It's been a record breaking year around here, with temperatures frequently 20 degrees Fahrenheit hotter than normal. I realize that 100F is not uncommon in certain other areas, but then in those places people are shocked when their winter temperature drops down to 40F while around here it stays below 30F for about 4 months each year. They're not used to our cold; we're not used to their heat.
My husband took our daughters with him on an errand outdoors in 90+ weather. They were outside in the unaccustomed heat for about an hour and returned ready to drink lots of water. My 3yr had never experienced quite this level of heat and she looked to me to explain her puzzlement. With her little face pink from the heat and her body sweating as it tried to cool itself off, her first words to me on their return were: "Mom, I'm wet!" She couldn't figure out where the water was coming from since she hadn't been playing in a pool or sprinkler or bathtub! (I sent her immediately indoors to drink lots of water.)

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