Monday, April 23, 2012

Romans 6:5

Christ's resurrection changed Him and it should change us also. If our focus and our goal is in this life, we are missing out on the wonderful transformation God wants to give us. This life, including its distractions and its blessings, should bring us to Heaven. Life on earth is always to be treasured and protected but it offers a mere glimpse of what awaits us in eternity. We have been joined together with Christ Jesus in His death so that we can be joined together with Him in His resurrection.
Take a moment now to consider the implications. I go about my day doing ordinary things related to life in this world but I have the opportunity to transform them to orient myself and the people around me to eternity with Christ. The activities themselves might not change but my attitude can be more loving and cheerful, my conversations can include small references to my Bible study that day, my thoughts can focus on the small opportunities that come up to serve others. Maybe no one will notice but I will know the difference and it will improve my relationship with the Lord. Maybe someone will realize what I am doing and be encouraged to make similar changes in their daily activities. Either way, I have allowed God to work a transformation in my and focus my thoughts a little more on Heaven.

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