Wednesday, April 25, 2012

No Laundry on Weekends

The easiest decision I've made to avoid our normal routines on Sunday and keep a weekly Sabbath has been to keep the laundry moving Monday-Friday so it doesn't need to be done at all on weekends. Dress clothes are put in the family laundry basket when they're taken off Sunday evening and I prefer to throw in items which are washed weekly (such as bath towels and sheets) on Monday or Tuesday so I have plenty of time to wash them and even put them away before the weekend arrives. It may still take a few days for everything to return to it's closet or drawer but I don't find myself stressed out on Saturday or Sunday evening making sure everyone has clean clothes for the next day. I could also choose to wash everything in one day, but I personally find the drawn-out process more peaceful and more flexible for our family's schedule. It didn't take long to create an expectation in my mind that I would try to move laundry forward a step or two each day, especially early in the week, so that weekends would be free for other things. Once I had that mindset it became nearly impossible to even consider doing laundry on the weekend. This is one small change that works for our family to set apart Sundays for the Lord.
Linked also to Simple Lives Thursday

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