Thursday, March 15, 2012

Lent Day 20

Mark 16:15-18
Called the Great Commission, Jesus told His disciples that those who believe will do amazing things in His name. "Commission" means entrusting a task to someone and giving them the authority and the power to carry out that task. Looking at the task entrusted to Christians and the signs given, I know there is no human in all of history who can do these things without spiritual help. Even faithful Christians don't often demonstrate the ability to perform these signs. If I am ever in a situation where I need to demonstrate one of these signs, I will need it to come directly from God and I will need to have a solid relationship with Him and a history of knowing His voice in my life so I will be able to receive His commission to carry out the task He entrusts to me. That relationship and the experience of knowing His voice will only come with regular prayer. Prayer enables me to become more like Christ, it changes the difficult situations I find myself in, it improves my relationship with God, and it enables me to listen to His voice giving direction in my life. I don't know what the future holds or when I might be called upon to demonstrate God's power through miraculous signs, but if I ever need to do so, I want to be ready to fulfill the task the Lord entrusts to me. Getting ready means choosing now to pray daily, listening for God's voice and asking for His direction in the choices I need to make.

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