Thursday, June 5, 2014

Bible Study: God is faithful to keep His promises

Romans 15:8
Matthew 10:16-31
Matthew 6:25-34
It's apparently difficult turning 1 year old. Or at least it is when you've just had a stomach bug, are currently teething, find yourself compelled to practice your cruising and climbing skills incessantly, cannot communicate in any way except by screaming, and have to share your Mommy with a newborn brother. By the way, as difficult as the day might be for a new 1 year old, it is even more difficult on her mother. Princess loves her little brother and doesn't try to make the adjustment from 3 to 4 children challenging, but she is still a baby herself. She has needs that an older child has grown out of. So my hands are full, to say the least, as I try to give her the love and attention she needs while caring for a newborn and figuring out how to manage our home. (It's only been 3 weeks now. This will take quite awhile longer.)
Christ didn't promise us an easy life or a glamorous life or a wealthy life as His disciples. We can get caught up in the challenges we face, big and small, and find ourselves frustrated that the way isn't smoother for us as we try our best to remain faithful to the Lord. Didn't He promise to care for us in even the details of life? Didn't He say we are worth far more than sparrows and promise to provide for us in every area? Is He not fulfilling His promise? Yet in actually reading the promises Jesus made to His followers regarding our value as far above that of sparrows we find that both passages in Matthew are predicting troubles. Each day is filled with trouble, we will be persecuted, others will oppose us, we will be as sheep among wolves. But what about the value of sparrows?? In the midst of the trials and persecutions we should trust the Lord for He will provide what we need and will hold us as we endure the difficulties of the Christian life.
Challenges in life come in large and small packages. They occur on a daily basis as we simply try to handle life with Christian grace despite babies screaming as their only means of communication and they occur as life-changing events when we must choose to remain faithful to the Lord and be killed for it or preserve the body and lose Him. Christ's coming as man provides witness that the Lord will always remain faithful, keeping His promises to us. The difficulties we face in life do not contradict that, but rather provide opportunities for us to lean on Him, trusting Him to provide all we truly need despite the challenges.

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