Sunday, December 2, 2012

Jesse Tree: Root of Jesse

Lights on to make sure they'll look fine later
Scripture: Isaiah 11:1-10
Event/Theme: The coming of Jesus
Symbol we use: Today we set up our bare Jesse tree, which for us will later be decorated with our Christmas ornaments. I put up the lights since it's easiest while the tree is still bare, but we won't turn them on until Thursday when we read about Abraham.
Tree doesn't look like much with only 2 ornaments
Meditation: Jesus is the fulfillment of all we've looked for and longed for. He is the perfect human being, the perfect judge, the perfect leader. We have seen the fulfillment that Isaiah knew about through the prophesies God gave him but never saw himself. Yet we still don't see the completion and won't see it as long as we are struggling against sin (Heb 12:4) and only sometimes victorious. "Advent" means "coming". This is a time to remember that Christ is coming again to bring complete victory and to review the amazing changes that took place when He came the first time. We look forward eagerly to His return!
For those with children like mine who enjoy coloring something every day as part of their involvement in the Jesse Tree tradition:

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