Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Home Decoration

Romans 10:8
Deuteronomy 11:18-20
How do you decorate your home? All your homes, actually: the home you live in, the home that is your body, the church home you worship in, the work home you spend the majority of your waking hours in. Do you decorate each one with the Lord's words, with love and truth, with graciousness and patience? Do others recognize you as distinctly Christian? Or are your homes decorated in other ways, revealing your true priorities as activities other than your faith? Decorations of crosses and Scripture passages can be a part of the way we respond to God's invitation to keep His word near us, in our mouths and in our hearts. It certainly gives a different atmosphere to a home than posters of celebrities and music proclaiming the exact opposite of God's Word. Yet much more important, especially in areas of our lives where we're not allowed to post physical displays of our personal faith, is decorating our hearts, minds, words, and actions with the Lord's Word. Do we know Scripture, what it says, where to find it, how it applies to our lives? Do we live it out in our attitudes and our refusals to engage in sin (including the socially acceptable sins of gossip and envy and bitterness)? The external decorations can be a useful tool to remind us of our priorities. But they are only helpful as long as we internalize those decorations, living each moment of every day as God's own people.

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