Romans 8:27
1 Kings 19:1-4
Sometimes life can feel very discouraging. We can feel all alone. It can seem, like it seemed to Elijah, that there is no one else living for God and we'd be better off dead. Far beyond making lemonade from lemons, we recognize how much we are created to live with other people and our apparent isolation leaves us feeling very lonely and discouraged. Yet here's the truth: God is on our side, He is Himself interceding for us and working for us, there are others faithful to Him that we don't know about or have forgotten about. It's very revealing that God did not dismiss Elijah's discouragement. His response instead was to give him food and drink, an extended retreat from his everyday life, a message directly answering his discouragement, and a mission to change his isolation into community with another believer. In the same way God knows what we need and what challenges we are facing. He is working on our behalf just as He worked on Elijah's behalf. Look to the Lord in your discouragement and you will always find Him ready with exactly what you need.
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