My strawberries don't look like this yet,
but they will very soon!
The fact that we are changed by the Spirit and are no longer under the Law or under the rule of sin should affect how we live, act, and interact with one another. Just as my strawberry plants produce strawberries and not eggplants, the fruit we produce is a sign of who we are in the core of our being. If I am under the rule of sin then I will produce the fruits of sin. If I refuse to let the Holy Spirit change me and produce the fruits of the Spirit, then the sin I insist on producing will choke out the growth of the Spirit in me and I will no
Not planning to grow eggplants this year...
longer be able to call myself a member of Christ's family. Fortunately, as I walk in the Spirit, He works within me to produce the good fruit I have been re-created for. By the joining with Christ in His death (Rom 6:6) the ability of sin to insist that I choose for sin and produce its fruits has been destroyed and I have been given the grace to choose for Christ instead.
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