Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Romans 5:19

Romans 5:19
Our choice to obey God or not has far-reaching consequences. Obviously Adam's sin affected all who came after him because of who he was, the first human created. Jesus was in the position to affect all who came after Him because of who He was, the only Begotten Son of God. We might look at them and respond that we are not in a position to influence so many people. But that doesn't let us off the hook for our choice to obey or disobey. We don't often know the full impact of our choices, so downplaying their importance is no excuse for deciding poorly. Will you choose today to disobey the Lord, influencing others to sin? Or will you today follow the path of Christ Jesus, encouraging others by your obedience to also choose for righteousness? The fact is that you don't know who will be influenced by your choice. I'm sure the author of the song "Jesus Love Me" never imagined it would eventually be sung in every Christian Sunday School and preschool throughout the English-speaking world. Yet such a small choice has influenced millions of people and has been recorded multiple times and published in numerous songbooks. May your choice to obey God also have such a wonderful impact on the world around you and the generations that come after you.

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