Thursday, February 2, 2012

Romans 5:16

Romans 5:16
Certain things cannot be fixed once they are broken. You know I'm a mother of preschoolers; the rhyme about Humpty Dumpty comes to mind right now, the relevance being in the best efforts of the king's horses and men to fix him without success. Adam may have sacrificed numerous animals every day for the rest of his life, but he could not fix the damage he had done by his one decision to eat the forbidden fruit. Yet Christ Jesus by His one decision is able to offer forgiveness for each one of our sins even when we commit new sins (or the same sins again) several times a minute. (As if several times a day weren't enough!) Each sin by itself, no matter how small, is enough to earn us eternity in hell. Yet God offers us grace freely again and again and again and again... The offense and the gift of grace are very different from one another.

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