Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Romans 5:15

Romans 5:15
One person can do so much. Think of the people made famous recently for the positive or negative impact they have had on millions: people like Mother Teresa, Hitler, Billy Graham. Consider next your own great-grandparents and how many people lived because of their simple decision to have children. How much more is the influence of one person magnified when that one person is the only man alive and therefore the ancestor of every human that will ever live. Unfortunately, his influence was not entirely positive. But consider next the impact of Jesus, who by being who he was (is), and by the choices he made, has had the opportunity to positively influence everyone who hears of him. I'm not a historian or sociologist or in any other way qualified to compare what life was like before Christ to what life is like now, but I've read some works by people such as Rodney Stark who argue that Jesus has had such a significant positive impact on individuals and societies that we are all better off because of him, even those who have chosen to reject him as their savior. Certainly "many" have received the grace of God through Jesus Christ; may many more receive it and choose to use it in positive ways to impact the world around them.

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