Friday, December 9, 2011

Jesse Tree: Ruth

Scripture: Ruth 1:7-19a
Event/Theme: Ruth chose Naomi's God, the only true God
Symbol we use: A picture of some grain.
Meditation: Why did God give Ruth the amazing priviledge of become Jesus' great-great- (several times over) grandmother? Because she recognized the treasure the Israelites had in being God's chosen people and she chose to follow God when she had every reason not to. She didn't know when she followed Naomi back home that it would turn out so well for her. She left her home, her family, and her people's gods to become a foreigner caring for an aging widow among people who actively dispised Moabites. Sometimes the right thing to do is far from the easiest thing to do. We don't have any assurance that it will turn out well for us. But doing the right thing is always seen by God, always pleases Him, and will eventually be rewarded by Him though we may not see the rewards until Heaven.

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