Event/Theme: David anointed as king
Meditation: God our Creator knows our hearts better than we know them ourselves. He knew that only David had the faith in the Lord which would be so necessary to face Goliath and to live as an exile for years on end and to lead the Israelites in victory against their enemies. It wasn't visible to those around him--his father didn't even consider calling him home from the feast until Samuel told him he should--but God knew what he was like on the inside. Which people in our lives do we overlook like David's family overlooked him? Which ones do we ignore because we are only seeing how pretty or fun or capable they seem to be? Remember that God knows what each person is really capable of and He is not distracted by what they look like on the outside. If He calls you to be a friend with someone you'd rather not be friends with, don't let their outward appearance prevent you from obeying Him and being the friend He wants you to be.
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