Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Romans 3:10-12

Romans 3:10-12
Psalm 14:1-3

Romans 3:10-18 is quoting a series of Old Testament passages from Psalms and Isaiah. But as Paul quotes from the Old Testament he also transforms the passages: Each one refers to the wicked "they", but Paul applies it to the wicked "us". It is not just our wicked enemies who have scorned God and refused to obey Him. WE have sinned; WE are the wicked referred to in each passage. It is easy to stand in a lofty position and call down God's judgement on all those who have chosen to disregard His commandments. But that position becomes extremely uncomfortable when we realize that we are calling down His judgement on ourselves and we are forced to identify ourselves with those who have willfully defied the Lord of Hosts.

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