Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Bible Study: Meditate

Scripture can run in and out of our minds all day long; for it to truly transform us we need it to stay with us. Think and pray about the Scripture you read. Don't let the words spoken at your church be forgotten before making a difference in your life. Allow your Bible studies to change the way you think and the way you live. Each time you encounter Scripture, in any form whether by yourself or with a crowd, take at least a few seconds to meditate on it. Say a prayer asking the Lord to show you how the verses heard or read apply to your life. Think about the Scripture, even if you only have a few seconds, and try to learn at least one small observation. Sometimes the lesson will be direct and easy to pick out. Sometimes it will be a bit of a struggle, but even the struggle itself will help you engage God's Word more fully. Expect to learn something and you generally will. Live in the anticipation of seeing Isaiah 55:11 fulfilled in your own life. That's the kind of engagement with Scripture that Works for Me!

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