Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Romans 2:14

I am not a fan of anarchy. I don't believe that humans are essentially good or that if left on our own we will generally do what is right. Because we are descendants of Adam and Eve we have been changed and will often revert to evil, including laziness, spite, anger, malice, and much worse. But that doesn't mean we don't know what is right and what is wrong: we usually know the difference but we have the free will to choose which path we will take. Government exists because the right path benefits other people besides ourselves and it can be helpful to have their influence encouraging us to choose the right path. The laws of government don't match up entirely with the Law given to Moses, yet many of them correspond: Thou shalt not commit murder is certainly enforced in every government I've read about. The law may not go far enough (e.g. the definition of who is a person and therefore who is protected by the law against murder), but it is certainly better than allowing selfish human beings to choose our own paths without offering protection for society from the evil choices made by individuals.

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