Thursday, June 2, 2011

Romans 1:23

Is there anything more foolish than worshiping something that has no real bearing on our lives? When I read to my daughters about  someone making or worshiping an idol, I make it a little more understandable to them by relating it to our rocking chair. They think it's really funny that anyone would be so foolish as to worship a rocking chair.

Of course, it's not quite as simple as that for those who do choose to worship an idol.

Yet it is just as foolish.

And the things we're more likely to worship in our "modern" society are just as corruptible as man, birds, four footed creatures, and reptiles. Money, power, science, prestige, leisure time, and their cousins are still tools. They can be used by God to help us (just as men and animals can be used by Him to help us), but they can't do anything by themselves any more than the others can. While you may not be bowing before a physical altar, if you are depending on it to help you or making sacrifices you shouldn't in order to acquire more of it, then that is worship of an idol.

What are you tempted to turn into an idol?

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