Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Matthew 7:3-5

Why, oh why does my 2yo deliberately do things she's not supposed to, when she knows she's not supposed to and I'm even in the room reminding her not to do them? Why doesn't she stop when I tell her to, even knowing she 1) won't be allowed to get what she wants anyways since I will quickly stop her and 2) she'll be put in timeout besides. She'd be much further ahead if she would only obey right from the outset.

Yet who am I to complain? She's only 2; I can't expect more from her than I expect from myself. After so many more years I still deliberately do things I'm not supposed to, when I know I'm not supposed to and I even know God is Present and Aware, reminding me not to do them. I'm never further ahead so why do I sin? The consequences are much worse than 2 minutes in a corner without my toys, so why do I sin? Lord, grant me patience with my child, especially because I'm worse than she is. Help me remember my own sinfulness and show her mercy as well as justice. Help me never to expect more from others, especially my children, than I'm willing to give myself.

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