Thursday, November 7, 2013

Day of evil

Romans 13:12
Ephesians 6:10-13
Which day is almost here? I'm used to thinking of every Biblical analogy of day and night as night=evil and day=righteousness. Yet Rom 13:12 says to prepare for battle because the day is almost here and Eph 6:13 calls that day the day of evil. Before the day of Christ' victory comes the day of battle against His enemies. Before we can celebrate with Him for vanquishing His opponents, we must fight with Him so they will not vanquish us.
This video clip was shown recently at a Christian conference I was at. Yes, the work God calls us to is hard. Yet we must fight before we can be given the crown of victory. Fight hard. We must wake up, protect ourselves with the armor the Lord provides for us, and fight as long as the day lasts, that we might also participate in the celebration of the Lord's victory.

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