Saturday, September 7, 2013

Happy Heritage: Aspiring to become Anne Sullivan

My 6yr decided recently to become a teacher of the blind, a la Anne Sullivan. Her sister suggested that she teach Mary. Misunderstanding, her older sister protested that she wants to teach the blind about God; why would she need to teach Jesus' own mother about Him? The younger clarified that she meant Mary Ingalls, Laura Ingalls Wilder's older sister. Since she is obviously not grown up yet in the books we've read, and she clearly wants to be taught at a college for the blind, our own 6yr could do the teaching one day when she grows up. The 6yr protested that Laura is writing about her childhood in the books and all the characters in them have passed away, but her sister didn't believe her for one minute. Mary is a child in the Little House books: she must still be a child today.
5yr: "Mom, sometimes my face turns brown." I'm not entirely certain whether she was thinking of sun tan brown or dirt.

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