We'll be extra careful about which dress our 4yr chooses to wear to church tomorrow. Last Sunday she came down wearing one that unbuttons all the way down the front. It was fully
unbuttoned, of course. We fixed that, continued with our schedule, and headed to church where both our girls sang beautifully in the children's choir. In the middle of Mass, however, I was horrified to look over at my daughter busily unbuttoning her dress..... We quickly remedied the situation (minus one button, which had fallen off) and made it very clear (hopefully) that dresses are
never to be unbuttoned at church. The missing button was even found, to be resewn onto the dress so it can be worn repeatedly all summer albeit without such repeat performances.

Our 6yr lost her first tooth. Because the girls' bedroom is upstairs and ours on the main floor, my husband told her that he had met the Tooth Fairy that day and the Tooth Fairy had asked that our daughter leave her tooth in a plastic baggie stuck to the front of our fridge. This brought about a crisis in our home;
everyone knows that teeth are left under pillows, not stuck to fridges with magnets. We tried to convince her that the Tooth Fairy would want a snack (chocolate? cheese?) and has far too many homes (thousands? millions?) to visit every night to fly up to her bedroom and root around under her pillow. She didn't buy it. Finally she agreed to keep the baggie under her pillow that night and to hang it on the fridge if the tooth wasn't taken by the first morning. Which it wasn't. There was, however, evidence that the Tooth Fairy had looked for her tooth on the fridge in the form of a crayoned letter, written backwards, asking our daughter to please leave her tooth in the kitchen so the Tooth Fairy could collect the snack her daddy had promised. Our daughter had to wait an extra night for her dollar, but the precedent has been set for where we leave all future teeth to be collected by the Tooth Fairy.
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