Friday, November 23, 2012

No Half Measures

Romans 10:10
Mark 12:29-30
Revelation 3:1-3
Give Him more than just what's in your piggy bank.
There are no half measures with God. Too many people, today and throughout Christian history, have tried to maintain a godly appearance without allowing the Lord to transform their hearts. Too many people have attempted to give Him a portion of their time, their talents, their money, while holding back the greater and more intimate part of themselves. That may seem to work for them during their lives but it won't serve them at the point of judgment before the Lord of Hosts.
It can be frightening to give everything to God. What will He do with us? Where will He lead us? What will He ask of us? We're giving complete control of ourselves over to Him; is He trustworthy of it? I don't very much like conceding control to anyone else yet I do know that He is far more capable than I am. Although I am giving up myself to Him, it is like an amateur seeking the advice of the top expert in the field. He leads me in places I don't want to go yet I discover through the experiences that I am better off because of His leadership than I would have been under my own.

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