Thursday, January 26, 2012

Romans 5:12

Romans 5:12
I don't know anyone who believes they are perfect yet I know quite a few who act as if they were. We all know that we are guilty of sinning: frequently, daily, hourly, regularly, often, non-stop. Why do we insist on downplaying that sin? We're addicted; we couldn't stop even if we tried. The first step in a Twelve-Step program is to admit that we can't control our addiction. It's not "o.k." Our sin is not insignificant. In fact, it's terminal. Because of Christ this is not the end of our story, but it also can't be stepped over. We need to admit our sin and our inability to avoid sinning again and again before we can admit our need for God's mercy and before we can ask Him to forgive us. Adam's sin caused his death, and since he was the first human his sin and death infected all of us like a disease. We can't effectively treat a terminal illness by ignoring it; we need to face the reality of our sin so it can be treated properly.

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