Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Romans 5:5

Romans 5:5
The afflictions we experience produce wonderful benefits for our future but they would still be incredibly hard to endure without God's grace and His love sustaining us. Have you experienced God's love in your own heart in an undeniable way? I grew up in an environment where I was put into situations to experience God personally so often that I could not honestly deny that He exists. When you experience Him for yourself, you realize that He is very much alive and very much interested in a relationship with each one of us. When you experience Him personally time after time after time it becomes impossible to discount the experiences as mere imagination or something you ate. You might still choose to reject Him and live as if He didn't exist, but you know in the depth of your being that He really does exist and is ready to shower you with blessings if you'll only choose to turn back to Him. God's love poured out in our hearts is no small thing; I would be able to endure quite a lot more with Him present and His love sustaining me than I would by myself without Him. If you have never experienced this for yourself, I encourage you to seek it out. Go on Christian retreats, set aside time daily to pray, look for a Christian group to pray with regularly. Find people to pray with you and for you. Seek the Lord, and He has promised that you will find Him (Mat 7:7).

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