Friday, August 12, 2011

Romans 3:4

Romans 3:4
Is any lie innocuous? Is there any such thing as a "white lie"? When the Pharisees and Sadducees posed trick questions to Jesus, He always turned the question on its head and gave back an answer they couldn't argue with (cf Mat 22:17-22). I suppose if we were perfect we would do the same thing rather than lie: turn the question begging for a lie on its head and give back the truth in such a way that no one can argue with it. I'm thinking of the classic question, "Does this dress make me look fat?" and an answer that compliments and builds up rather than the much easier and less imaginative "white lie". I've heard stories of people who really put their faith on the line in choosing to tell the truth in dangerous situations (e.g. to Nazi Gestapo) and finding the truth either wasn't believed or meant something unexpectedly different to the enemy. I heard one tale where a trapdoor hiding people from the Gestapo was under a table. When questioned, the homeowner insisted the people being searched for were under the table but the Gestapo thought the person was crazy since they could obviously see no one there. The Gestapo left without ever finding the hidden people. God protected them, honoring their desire to be like Him by telling the truth even in difficult situations.
Let me clarify, I am not there yet. I would like to have this level of commitment; I would like to strive for the perfection Christ calls me to. But I still fail and I still tell "white lies".

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